Stone shall cry out of the wall] For the stone out of the wall shall cry out. The Chaldean gains evil gains to build his nest on high; the materials he uses, the stones and wood, shall cry out against the wrong and oppression perpetrated in procuring them. This sense is preferable to that assumed by Hitzig, that in his constructions the Chaldean kept back the hire of the labourers (Jeremiah 22:13).
God brought order out of chaos during the creation of our planet. Genesis 1:1-2 (ESV) God loves order. This order becomes more apparent the...
In spite of all the time which passed, and of the great significance of the “Lord's Supper” or “Communion,” neither Luke nor any other ...
In this sermon Pastor Stuart speaks of the Jewish history, where the tarbernacle (the portable sanctuary constructed by Moses) was a place of worship...